Benefits - Fee Waiver

Health Care


AD&D and Life Insurance

Voluntary and Flexible Plans

Fee Waiver


The fee waiver program provides an opportunity for eligible employees to take courses at a CSU campus for career development to attain a credential, undergraduate or graduate degree as part of an approved career development plan and/or to enhance current job-related skills.

Career Development: Career development is designed for the purpose of enrolling into courses as part of a career development plan approved by the appropriate administrators. The career development plan shall be updated periodically, including whenever a change in degree program or objective is made.

Job-Related Training: A job-related course is taken for the purpose of improving:

  • The level of skill needed to perform existing duties and responsibilities, or
  • Acquiring additional skills needed to perform new assigned duties and responsibilities

If you are interested in a job-related course, please contact our benefits office to initiate your job-related admissions application.


  • Employee Fee Waiver
    • Eligible employees must submit to our benefits office the approved career development plan form (PDF).
    • Eligible employees must submit to our benefits office a completed employee fee waiver form (PDF) before every semester/quarter fee waiver submission deadline.
      • At Cal State LA, completed forms must be submitted before the beginning of the semester.
      • For employees planning to attend another CSU campuses, contact the campus for fee waiver submission deadlines and guidelines.
  • Dependent Fee Waiver
    • Eligible employees may also transfer their fee waiver benefit to a spouse, registered domestic partner, or dependent child by submitting a completed dependent fee waiver form (PDF) before every semester/quarter fee waiver submission deadline.
      • At Cal State LA, completed forms must be submitted before the beginning of the semester.
      • For dependents planning to attend another CSU campuses, employees must contact the campus for fee waiver submission deadlines and guidelines.
    • Eligible employees must provide proof of relationship for eligible dependents.


  • Extended Education and other self-supporting courses cannot be taken through the employee fee waiver program.
  • During the summer sessions only state-supported courses can be taken through the fee waiver program.
  • If you separate from Cal State LA before the beginning of the semester, you will no longer be eligible for the benefit. The Fee Waiver will be removed and your bill will be adjusted accordingly. You can complete your course(s) by paying the fees due or drop the course(s).
  • If you separate from Cal State LA employment after the beginning of the semester, you can continue to use your fee waiver to cover that semester.

General Tuition Fee Waiver Information

Employee Fee Waiver Eligibility

Fee waiver eligibility, for both represented and non-represented employees, is summarize in the table below.

Employee Category Eligibility Criteria Fees Fully Waived for Employee Fees Reduced to $1.00 for Employee
Unit 1 (Physicians)

Unit 6 (Skilled Trades)

Unit 10 (IUOE)

Unit 12 (Head Start/ SFSU)
Full-time employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees.
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • Student Body Association Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
Units 2,5,7,9 (CSUEU)

Unit 4 (AP)
Full-time employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees.
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • All other Category I and II fees as defined in Executive Order No. 1054 (excluding Non-Resident Tuition unless eligible through Title 5, Section 41910 provision).
  • Student Body Association Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/ Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
Unit 3 (Faculty) Tenured and probationary faculty unit employees (excluding coaches), and temporary faculty unit employees with three (3) year appointments pursuant to Article 12 of the CBA. Coaches must have at least six (6) years of full-time equivalent service in the department.

FERP employees are considered tenured faculty and are eligible for fee waiver only during the semesters/quarters when they are actively employed.
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • All other Category I and II fees as defined in Executive Order No. 1054(excluding Non-Resident Tuition unless eligible through Title 5, Section 41910 provision).
  • Student Body Association Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/ Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
Unit 8 (Public Safety)

C99 (Confidential)

E99 (Excluded)

M98 (Executive)
Full-time or part-time permanent employees and full-time probationary employees. Temporary employees are not eligible.
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • Student Body Association Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
M80 (MPP) Full-time employees (including temporary employees)
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • Student Body Association Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee

*If an employee enrolls in more than two (2) classes and the units exceed six (6), then the employee will be charged the difference between full and partial tuition.

Dependent Fee Waiver Eligibility

Employee Category Dependent Eligibility Criteria Fees Fully Waived for Employee Fees Reduced to $1.00 for Employee
Unit 1 (Physicians)

Unit 10 (IUOE)
Legal dependents (identified below) of full-time employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 23
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
None - All other fees paid at regular rates.
Units 2,5,7,9 (CSUEU)

Unit 4 (AP)
Legal dependents (identified below) of full-time employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees.
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 25
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
None - All other fees paid at regular rates.
Unit 3 (Faculty) Legal dependents (identified below) of tenured and probationary faculty unit employees (excluding coaches), and temporary faculty unit employees with three (3) year appointments pursuant to Article 12 of the CBA. Coaches must have at least six (6) years of full-time equivalent service in the department.

Legal dependents (identified below) of FERP employees are considered tenured faculty and are eligible for fee waiver only during the semesters/quarters when they are actively employed.
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 25
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
None - All other fees paid at regular rates.
Unit 6 (Skilled Trades) Legal dependents (identified below) of full-time employees (i.e. permanent, temporary, and probationary) and part-time permanent employees
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 25
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
None - All other fees paid at regular rates.
Unit 8 (Public Safety)

C99 (Confidential)

M98 (Executive)
Legal dependents (identified below) of full-time or part-time permanent employees and full-time probationary employees. Temporary employees are not eligible.
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 23
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructionally Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
M80 (MPP) Legal dependents (identified below) of full-time employees (including temporary employees)
  • Spouse
  • Dependent Child Under Age 25
  • Domestic Partner
  • Application Fee
  • Identification Card Fee
  • Tuition Fee*
  • Instructional Related Activity Fee
  • Health Services Fee
  • Student Body Center Fee/Student Union Fee
  • Health Facilities Fee
Unit 12 (Head Start/ SFSU)

E99 (Excluded)
Ineligible Ineligible Ineligible

*If a dependent enrolls in more than two (2) classes and the units exceed six (6), then the employee will be charged the difference between full and partial tuition.

Employees taking Graduate Courses: The courses are nontaxable up to $5,250.

To calculate a tax estimate:

  1. Estimate the fee waiver value = regular registration fees and tuition - estimated fees charged.
  2. Multiply the fee waiver value x 40%.
    • For example, if the fee waiver value is $2,000; the estimated tax is $800 (to be deducted from one of the employee's paychecks during the semester).

The dollar value for the waived fees will be reflected on the employee's pay warrant. The State Controller’s Office will take deductions for that benefit from that payroll warrant. You will receive a notice from the benefits office letting you know the pay period that you will be taxed on.

Deductions? A “flat tax rate” will be applied to the amount waived or reduced. The flat tax rate is roughly 40% (Federal 22%, State 6.6%, and if applicable Social Security 6.2% and Medicare 1.45%). [Resources: Payroll and SCO - PPM - H102]

The Fee Waiver Program is a fringe benefit and as such has strict reporting requirements established by the Internal Revenue Service [Internal Revenue Code Sections 117(d), 127 and 132(d)] and the State of California Controller’s Office. The reporting requirements state that the fringe benefit must be taxed in the calendar year that the benefit was received.

CSU Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) Degree Program

The Doctorate Tuition Fee will be charged in lieu of the Tuition Fee. Eligible employees or dependents that enroll in the Doctoral program are required to take specified coursework (e.g., one, two or three courses) per term. The Doctorate Tuition Fee is a flat fee; there is no part time rate.

All participating employees and dependents enrolled in a doctorate program shall be eligible for a partial fee waiver equivalent to the part-time Graduate Tuition Fee and shall be responsible for paying the difference between the applicable Doctorate Fee and the part-time Graduate Tuition Fee, with the exception of employees in the M80 management personnel plan (MPP) and their dependents.

Imputed income related to participation to the CSU Employee Fee Waiver & Reduction Program (CSU Employee Fee Waiver and Reduction Program Technical Letter) is subject to specific tax rates - federal tax is mandated at a flat 22% tax rate and CA State at 6.6%. Social Security and Medicate taxes are taken at their normal rates of 6.2% and 1.45%.

Taxation for the Fee Waiver Program

Eligible Participant Course level(s) Tax Status
CSU Employee Undergraduate Nontaxable
Graduate Nontaxable up to $5,250
Employee’s Spouse or Dependent Child Undergraduate Nontaxable
Graduate Taxable
Employee’s Domestic Partner Undergraduate Taxable
Graduate Taxable

Enrolling at Cal State LA

If you (or your eligible dependent) are enrolling at Cal State LA, the timelines to submit your completed Employee/Dependent Fee Waiver forms to our campus is the day before the semester begins.

Enrolling at Another CSU Campus

If you are employed by Cal State LA, eligible for Employee/Dependent Fee Waiver, and you and/or your eligible dependent are enrolling at another CSU campus, please check with that campus for their specific Fee Waiver deadlines, and submit your Cal State LA Fee Waiver Application to our office in a timely manner.

Transfer Waiver to Dependent

Dependent Fee Waiver

Employees eligible to participate in the Employee Fee Waiver & Reduction Program may transfer their fee waiver benefit entitlement to an eligible dependent (spouse, domestic partner, or dependent child.

A dependent child* for fee waiver eligibility is defined as:

  • Your child or stepchild under age 25 who has never been married;
  • A child living with you in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon you, under age 25 and has never been married; or

*For employees in Unit 1 (Physicians) and Unit 8 (Police Officers), the age limit for dependent children is under age 23, otherwise using the same definitions above.

Guidelines and Limitations

Certain restrictions and limitations apply for the Dependent Fee Waiver, including the following:

  • Eligible employees must provide proof of relationship for eligible dependents.
  • The fee waiver process is separate from the CSU Application Process. Fee waiver approval does not guarantee admission into the University.
  • The spouse, domestic partner or dependent child must be matriculated toward a degree or the attainment of a teaching credential in the CSU and the course(s) enrolled in on a fee waiver basis must be for credit toward completion of that degree or teaching credential.
  • If your dependent applies to multiple CSU campuses when seeking admission, each admission application they file requires a $55 application fee. Only the application fee at the CSU campus in which your eligible dependent enrolls can be waived/reimbursed through Dependent Fee Waiver, regardless of the number of applications filed.
  • Tuition Fee may be fully waived for a maximum of two (2) classes or six (6) units, whichever is greater, per term. Dependents taking courses in addition to the CSU fee waiver courses shall pay any difference in fees.
  • The employee cannot participate in the tuition fee waiver program during the dependent’s participation. The waiver benefit may be utilized by only one individual per term (employee or an eligible dependent), regardless of whether that individual uses the full entitlement of 2 courses or 6 units.
  • The Fee Waiver & Reduction Program only applies to state-funded courses; therefore, classes offered through self-support programs such as the College of Professional and Global Education (Extended Education) are not covered.
  • Normal academic standards must be maintained by the spouse, domestic partner or dependent child in order to continue participating in the fee waiver program.
  • If both parents are employees and eligible to transfer their fee waiver benefit to a dependent child, each employee may transfer the benefit. Therefore, it is possible for one child to receive both benefits and be eligible to enroll in up to 4 courses or 12 units, whichever is greater, on a fee waiver basis. Alternatively, each employee could transfer his or her benefit to a different child, and each child would be entitled to up to 2 courses, or 6 units, whichever is greater, on a fee waiver basis. Dependents taking courses in addition to the fee waiver courses shall pay any difference in fees, per applicable collective bargaining agreement.
  • The dependent fee waiver applies only to certain fees incurred by California residents. Thus, spouses, domestic partners and dependent children who do not meet established in-state residency requirements (and who do not qualify for classification as residents in accord with the provisions of Title 5, Section 41910, California Code of Regulations) will be responsible for paying non-resident tuition charges based upon the total number of units in which they are enrolled.

Applying for Admissions to a CSU Campus

The fee waiver process is separate from the CSU Application Process. Fee waiver approval does not guarantee admission into the University.

Cal State Apply

Completing Career Development Plan Form

Step 1 - Apply for Admission to the University

You will need to apply for Admission to the University. It is a separate process from applying for an Employee Fee Waiver to reduce fees. Fee Waiver eligibility/approval does not guarantee admission to the university.

If you are a Cal State LA employee, you may request for the application fee to be reimbursed after you have been admitted to the campus you will be attending. You must complete and e-mail the Request For Application Fee Refund form to Human Resources Managements, Benefits unit.

If you apply to multiple campuses, please note that the application fee will only be reimbursed for the campus you will be attending. Employees from other CSU campuses must contact their campus Fee Waiver Coordinator for information on the forms and requirements of your campus for requesting the reimbursement at Cal State LA.

Admissions Information

For Cal State LA Admissions information, visit:

If you are interested applying for admission to another CSU campus, please visit their admissions/enrollment services site for information and timelines.

Note: Orientation fees are not covered by the Employee Fee Waiver & Reduction Program.

Step 2 - Submit Your Approved Career Development Plan and Fee Waiver Form

Once you have received notice of your admission to the university, please complete and submit the Career Development Plan and Fee Waiver form to the benefits office for review and approval. You will need to obtain all required signatures for your Career Development Plan and Fee Waiver form. Once you have obtained all required signatures, you will need to submit the completed forms to the Benefits office in Human Resources Management.

Attending Cal State LA
If you are attending Cal State LA, you will need to submit your approved Employee Fee Waiver form each semester. Course information should be included at this time and have all the appropriate signatures.

Attending Another CSU Campus
If you are to attend another CSU campus, you will need to submit your approved Employee Fee Waiver form to the Cal State LA benefits office. Note: Campuses may not accept late fee waivers, so it is very important to submit your waiver form with sufficient processing and turnaround time.

Step 3 – Picking Up Your Approved Fee Waiver Form

Once your fee waiver form is approved you will be notified by our office via e-mail with instruction on how to pay the required fees. Once the fees are paid you will be coded for the fee waiver program and will be able to register for courses.

Step 4 – Register for Classes

Once you have paid the fees at cashier’s you will be able to register for classes provided it is your registration appointment.

Job Related-Admissions Application

Job Related admissions application must be requested to the benefits office no later than one month prior to the start of the desired term.

For every semester that you plan on taking job related courses, please be advised that you will need to follow the steps below.

Step 1 – E-mail Your Benefits Coordinator to Request a Job Related Application

The benefits office will verify your eligibility and if eligible you will be forwarded the Job Related Admissions Application form.

Step 2 - Complete Employee Fee Waiver Application

Once your job related admissions application has been processed by admissions. You will need to complete the Employee Fee Waiver form. You will need to list the course(s) to be taken during the specific semester.

Course description information must be included and a clear description of how the class relates to either: a) improving the level of skill needed to perform existing duties and responsibilities or b) acquiring additional skills needed to perform new assigned duties and responsibilities.

This must be approved by all the appropriate administrators. Once you have all required signatures you must submit your fee waiver form to the benefits office for approval.

Attending Cal State LA
If you are attending Cal State LA, you will need to submit your approved Employee Fee Waiver form each semester. Course information should be included at this time and have all the appropriate signatures.

Attending Another CSU Campus
If you are to attend another CSU campus, you will need to submit your approved Employee Fee Waiver form to the Cal State LA benefits office. Note: Campuses may not accept late fee waivers, so it is very important to submit your waiver form with sufficient processing and turnaround time.

Step 3- Pay Your Fees

Once your fee waiver form is approved you will be notified by our office via e-mail with instruction on how to pay the required fees. Once the fees are paid you will be coded for the fee waiver program and will be able to register for courses.

Step 4 – Register for Classes

Once you have paid the fees at cashier’s you will be able to register for classes provided it is your registration appointment.